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Caste Based Reservation in India.

The caste system has been part of Indian society for almost 2000 years this system is so complicated and extremely rigid to fight with it is tough challenge. While discussing about it to remain unbiased is almost impossible, I want to address some of the important fact regarding my background so that if there is any bias reflected in this article the reader can judge it accordingly. So come from the Brahmin background and my family is middle class family. I don't get any reservation in any form.  Reservation based on caste: The reservation based on caste was idea emerged around 1930s and the first reservation was allowed in 1933 with the Poona pact between Gandhi and Ambedkar, Ambedkar demanded the separate electorate for the SCs and ST community , while Gandhi believed that giving separate electorate will create divide among the Hindus and there was already divide among the Hindus and Muslims and Gandhi did not wanted any other divide so they allowed the   reservation of lower cas

Organizational Change and Learning


Organizational change :

We live in an industrial society where people are constantly interacting with organizations in some way. Most of the organizational change emerges from the changes in the technology. In the industrial era, there was constant change in technology, which changed the organizational hierarchy. Before industrial society came into being, the organizational hierarchy was based on the political power in the European society. With the industrial revolution came in the organization hierarchy was changed to the economic power, meaning who owns the factors of production in the society and came the emergence of Capitalist society.

 When we come to the post-industrial era, with the rise of communism, the bottom of the organizational hierarchy became aware of the situation, and the society made certain changes in the development of those who are at the organizational hierarchy. Change in the organization can also come when the beliefs or the philosophy of the people change. When India became independent, the government gave reservations to the SCs and STs. Before that the representation of these communities at the top level was negligible. With the help of the reservation, the representation of SCs and STs communities on the top posts has increased.

Organizational learning :

Organizational learning is the process of learning, creating, and giving the knowledge in an organization. For example, the one skill is developed by an employee of the organization. To keep that knowledge in the organization the employee will get an extra reward in return. It is essential to keep the knowledge within the organization so that it can have a competitive advantage over other organization. The best example of this is the caste order to keep the knowledge gained by the Brahmin to themselves they kept the knowledge to themselves and they didn't allow anyone except Brahmin to gain it. there were rules made that the person who has gained any knowledge on their own should pass the knowledge to their next generation so that community can survive. The inter-caste marriages were not allowed because of that what if someone marries a Brahmin, so because he/she is a part of the family, they will share the knowledge with others, and that person will share it with others, and the knowledge will be out in the open and there will not be any uniqueness to it. Through organizational learning, the knowledge remains in the particular organization and it becomes an asset for that organization.


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