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Caste Based Reservation in India.

The caste system has been part of Indian society for almost 2000 years this system is so complicated and extremely rigid to fight with it is tough challenge. While discussing about it to remain unbiased is almost impossible, I want to address some of the important fact regarding my background so that if there is any bias reflected in this article the reader can judge it accordingly. So come from the Brahmin background and my family is middle class family. I don't get any reservation in any form.  Reservation based on caste: The reservation based on caste was idea emerged around 1930s and the first reservation was allowed in 1933 with the Poona pact between Gandhi and Ambedkar, Ambedkar demanded the separate electorate for the SCs and ST community , while Gandhi believed that giving separate electorate will create divide among the Hindus and there was already divide among the Hindus and Muslims and Gandhi did not wanted any other divide so they allowed the   reservation of lower cas

I as a Part of _____.


As a part of life, I have been a part of various social groups, from family to friends to being part of a religious organization. Today I will be talking about how those groups impact my life, how I interact with them, and what the impact of these groups has on me.

I as part of My family:

This is the closest group to me. I interact with them almost on a daily basis, through phone calls, video calls, or in person. The interactions between me and my family are very close and intimate. This is the group about which I am very emotional. Whatever I believe, my behavior and values are shaped by my family.

I as part of my Friend circle:

This is the group which has too many subgroups, like my school friends, my college friends, and my hostel friends.

I as a part of my school friends: 

This is the group after my family, with which I have spent most of my time with them. Everything I experienced and enjoyed during my school life was because of them. From playing games to bunking classes to going on school trips to spending holidays at each other's houses to going to the theatre to study together, we have done it all together. But after going to college, our paths have split, and the interaction with this group has reduced, and we all miss the time we spent together. The influence of my school friends was influential because what I liked to watch, listen to, and play was heavily influenced by them because this was the activity we were doing together.

I as a part of my college friends:

This is the group that has been created very recently in my life. Till now, the interaction with them has been quite nice. The intellectual discussions in this group are higher than in any other group. This group, through its intellect, makes me think of certain things that I have never thought of, and the learning from this group comes every now and then. The interaction is very frequent because of the assignments and exams that come every now and then.

I as a part of my hostel group:

This is the group that is very closely related because the interaction here is daily because we live with each other and living with each other will make you more intimate. The conversation in this group can include everything. The interaction here can be very intimate and very funny. The impact of this group on me is very evident because it makes me conscious of my daily activities.

This is how interact with my social groups and this is one of the most important part of my life. 


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